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"This book changes lives" -Book  Review


 Why Am I Here?

A Handbook for the Human Experience

This is an important book. -Jurgen Ziewe

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Mike Marable's "How To Have A Good Life After You’re Dead" is mind-blowing! In it he provides more information and answers more questions about dying and the afterlife than most people ever think of or consider. One ends up very impressed with all the important work he does and wishing one could join his team. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
-Art Funkhouser, Jungian Scholar and Psychologist, Bern Switzerland 



Conversations With Mike

Mike Marable is an entrepreneur, activist, writer and explorer living with Gayla, his partner of 20 years, and their dog Hunter near the ocean in Southern California. In 1987, Mike Marable had an extraordinary experience that altered the trajectory of his life. He went searching for answers about what happened to him, and it opened up into a story that deserves telling. 

This is and important book-3.png
Conversations between Mike and fellow traveler Jurgen Ziewe on what happens in various realities after physical death. 

Here’s what readers are saying ....




Excellent book! I was disappointed when I was through reading this book because I wanted to keep going on more adventures with Mike! -LB 


This is a well written account of what we are likely to encounter after death, and I found great comfort in reading it. It's about time that someone wrote a guide to life after death that is straight forward and easy to read. 



Mike's words are not only a joy to read, but they also offer a remarkable blend of clarity, honesty, and profound insight. His writing possesses a serene quality that resonates with the wisdom of enlightenment. -RQLRN


Such thoughtfully written and labor of love! Difficult book to put down! Besides the enjoyment factor alone, it’s a soulful piece of work that evokes our true nature out of hibernation! Kindness! Service! Empathy! Love! Such important messages/reminders especially today during these tumultuous times. -AJ


This is more than just a book - it is a know-how guide on how to live - and transition. A must for anyone who is wondering about what happens when we die.



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I want to thank Gayla, my partner of 20 years, for listening to my strange tales and never flinching or judging. I also thank my best friend Hunter for lying beside me as I wrote this book, often with my hair askew and no shower, yet never complaining. I love you both, and without you, nothing would be as good.  -Mike Marable

 Selected Excerpts    From...


Explorations Into The Afterlife

A Modern Book Of The Dead

I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.

-Richard Feynman, Physicist

The book you are now reading has the audacity to dig deep into one of the biggest questions most of us probably will consider at some point in our lives; what happens when we die? You may think you already have a good idea. It may be that this book won’t alter those beliefs much; then again, it could. We use terms such as death and the afterlife to communicate with each other about the line between our physical and non-physical existence. 

The reality is that life is a continuation. You could say that we are as dead as we are ever going to be right now.

Your consciousness is an energy that cannot cease to exist, it only changes its state. Consider water for example and the states it can occupy. Ice and steam have the same atomic structure but are in different states that are influenced by the rate of vibration of the particles. Think of yourself as like ice while in your physical form and steam when you die. You simply shift the frequency. Like changing from one station to another on the radio. The reality we go when we die is all around us. Our physical equipment is efficiently designed to only allow us to experience this reality when we are in a body and awake. When we sleep or enter certain altered states of consciousness, we can access other frequencies.

Waking life, dreaming and dying are all part of the same gestalt. We tend to separate these out from each other but this is an illusion. You are dreaming right now as you read these words and are as dead as you are ever going to be.

-Mike Marable



This book is for those who are feeling pulled to remember their true identity and purpose, seeking answers to life’s big questions like…Why Am I Here? 

 'It's not about uncovering the "ultimate truth". That an overriding truth exists and if we just do more, or less of something we can possess it may be helpful to contemplate as it keeps us searching I suppose. It may be that feeling urged to ask big questions is the real evolutionary leap. 

The more likely scenario is we uncover some pieces of the infinite puzzle. Each day we wake up with new eyes and more of the puzzle reveals itself as our perceptual field expands. Actually I have discovered that the human experience is more about remembering. The greater part of us knows what’s going on, it dispatched some of itself in to the human experience in a state of amnesia for the purpose of feeling. Emotion is the draw to the human learning experience and that requires we be immersed in the experience and feel fully. Whatever emotion that comes up is instructive.


Much of what I read in spiritual literature seems to paint the human experience as something to be escaped from or evolved past. A kind of karmic purgatory. That may be true for some who have opted in to that belief system, for others their mission is to be fully immersed in the human. Their role of maybe playing the “bad guy” is needed. That lover who cheated on us did so with our full agreement and at the cast party we will thank them! Just as in a movie, foils make for a more interesting story. There is no judgement in the universe and there is no right or wrong way to do human. Love your tribulations as they contain the most information for you. Embrace your sadness when it comes, it is a teacher. Don't fear your anger, let it reveal where the fear resides." 

"You are an eternal, restless energy in search of experience. That which makes up the animating force that you identify with has always been and will always be. One of the many kinds of experiences available to you was coming to this planet and understanding what it is like to be a human being." -Page 30

"When we are not fulfilling what we came here to do, we get antsy in life. Looking for reasons outside of ourselves for why things are not working out. At the core of our malaise is longing"

"Coming into the human experience involves our taking on a particular persona and role that fits what we came here to learn and accomplish. This amnesia appears to be an essential condition and allows us to become more fully immersed in the human experience. Not remembering is by design." -Page 31

 Everything on the planet is conscious on some level and possesses a form of  self-awareness, though it may not resemble what we are familiar with.

We are connected through consciousness to everything   that exists in our world, and on some level experience  it even if it occurs on the other side of the planet to people we will never meet. -Page 37

As It turns out, Earth is a combination of university and amusement park. Fun and learning are both included as part of the human experience.


About THE Author

Mike Marable has been a business executive and entrepreneur for the past thirty years, starting his first company in 1987, Healthcare Systems, and the non-profit venture Human Potentials, an organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and personal achievement.


 Mike is currently  the founder/CEO of BizVision Consulting and environmental  non-profit,

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